Check Out These Resources for Writers!

Due to the busy weekend ahead, this post will be a little different (and chances are this will be at the beginning of the week rather than the end). I had been doing some research about how to network as a writer, and I recently came across a writing community that also offered resources for writing contests and more. It got me thinking about what other writing communities you could network or otherwise find more opportunities in. And because networking is essential to any writer and writers should always be looking for opportunities, here are a few resources for writers to check out!

Winning Writers

I’m probably late to the party on this one (given you can find Winning Writers on Newpages quite a bit), but I was super surprised when I signed up! Besides offering resources for writers such as advice and forums (some information similar to Writer’s Beware), they offer critiques that you can submit for a fee on Submittable. They also have their own contests that I listed here, with deadlines throughout the year.

Here is their main page where you can find the subscribe button for their free newsletter.


Speaking of Newpages, this is a website every writer should know. There are so many guides for literary journals and writing programs, as well as book reviews. But with all of the information and opportunities they give, I’ll just sum it up by saying what they do have below:

Newpages Classifieds: call for submissions for lit journals, manuscripts, workshops, conferences, and more

Their “For Writers” Page

Their blog with plenty of similar information

The Write Practice

You might also have heard of The Write Practice, and like Winning Writers, I recently found out they have a community for writers. They also have a Facebook group as well! Their biggest source of information it seems like is their resources page. They have tons of articles on writing, publishing, marketing, and lots more. You can check out their “Articles” sections here.

Writers Helping Writers

I first found their Facebook group first, but their website also has a ton of information for writers. Their blog has a lot of guest posts about writing, and they also offer workshops and other resources. You can find their home page with the rest of their offerings here.

Poets and Writers

Like Newpages, there’s so much you can do with this website it’s hard to know where to start. For starters, they have their own magazine, and they also have plenty workshops from all over. If you go on their website, the “Publish Your Writing” page offers opportunities to publish in lit journals, small presses, and contests, with additional info on finding an agent. Here is their main page to get started.

Writer’s Digest

Here’s one more writing resource, which has also been around for a long time. Their website is convenient given they separate their resources by either fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. To look at each one, here’s the main page for you. They also have major writing contests for all kinds of genres that you might be familiar with.

There’s plenty more of these resources, and I hope to make more of these posts, so stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy reading!

Want to know more? My portfolio is now COMPLETE, and you can find it here! You can find me in Ariel Chart, The Cedarville Review, Nailpolish Stories, Bluepepper, 50 Word Stories, The Aurora Journal, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, The Drabble, Anti-heroin Chic, Art of Autism, Your Daily Poem, Sanctuary Magazine, Six Sentences, Paragraph Planet, A Story in 100 Words, and Sledgehammer Lit. You can now also find my FREE microchap at Origami Poems Project, which I am also offering here.

And here’s Foster Your Writing official page on Facebook!

I am also a writer for Coffee House Writers! You can find my work under “Emma Foster” on their website.

2 thoughts on “Check Out These Resources for Writers!

  1. These are some great resources indeed. I’ve been meaning to up my game when it comes to networking, and some of these may be right up my alley. Thanks for sharing!

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